AiLydia’s diary


Reason why am I Christian?

 I don't have a very long history of faith.
It's been about 20 years since I discovered black gospel music.
For about five of those years, I had only one foot in the door, so I was something of a Christian. I was still just flipping through the Bible.
My grandparents were in a cottage Christian home, and my grandfather was a pastor and theologian, and my grandmother was an organist and engaged in the church, so I wasn't totally unconnected.
However, little by little, the door was opened.
In my early thirties, I learned about the old black gospel music and its history, and how they were slaves and how they were connected to Jesus and given a way to survive.
I wanted to know fiercely.
Later, he was baptized at a church for people of black descent on the base.
I'll never forget that moment.
When I got into the pool and the pastor put his hand on my forehead and prayed, my soul shook and tears flooded my eyes. I felt like I was going out of my mind with a feeling of contentment that I didn't know what to say.
"I'm a Christian! It was a moment of realization, not logic just felt.
Fifteen years have passed since then, and now I can pray, heal, and give a little Bible message. I think I've finally gone from waddling to about fourth grade.
So, the main question is, why are we so fascinated with Christianity?

First of all, there must be music.
Although all religions have had various kinds of prayers and music since the time of the Bible, Paul's evangelism helped spread the Christian faith throughout Europe and led to the Renaissance in the West. And it became a huge Christian music that spread all over the world along with the national power and authority of Rome.
Many people ridicule the use of praise as propaganda, but I believe that most hymns were written to praise Jesus and for the prosperity and evangelism of the church.
I think a big part of the reason why Christianity is more populist than other religions is because of its music.
This is because music has a spiritual power that resonates deep within people's hearts.
And most of all, there is Jesus.
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who was sent into the world in a physical body.
It turns out that when Jesus came up the slope of Golgotha, despised by the people at the time of his crucifixion, he said this.
"Father, do you forsake me?"
This is the proof that Jesus existed as a human being.
I was reading this part silently in the bath.
This is a precious scene of a very human Jesus who is often deified.
Even then, when I knew the cry of my heart as a dying human Jesus, tears flowed like a flood again.
He was always kind and strict with his disciples. His harshness was full of love.
He was an ally of the weak.
He healed the sick, gave bread and fish to the poor, defended a woman who was being bullied, and kept former sinners close to him.
He was human, and he was divine.
He was a God and also a man.
The switch was always in the hands of our Heavenly Father (God).
He showed only one thing: love. 
In this day and age, as soon as you say the word "love," people will say, "That's a fiction. 
However, people are creatures that cannot live without love.
What is "love"? You might say.
It is kindness unconditionaly, kindness without reward, strength enough to give one's life, healing, receptiveness, protection, and forgiveness.
The various miracles that Jesus performed and the stories in the Bible teach us this.
The soul that lives on even after death.
His name is still shouted by Christians all over the world, invoking the Holy Spirit.
That's how much of a superhero he is to Christians.

Our hero, Jesus, who combines deep compassion, strength, and healing.
Because we cannot see, we can connect deeply.
We can be with them because they are not alive.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, amen!
"Music, love, and the superhero Jesus.
This is the reason why I live as a Christian.

#Bible Stories